
Common recommendation on peaceful settlement of collective dispute in the "Kragujevac" Public Housing Company

11. 02. 2022.

At the "Kragujevac" PHC in Kragujevac parties in dispute resorted to mediation by the Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes and came to a common recommendation on how to settle the collective labor dispute, which was unanimously adopted and signed by the Conciliation Board.

The procedure before the Agency was conducted on the occasion of implementation of the Special Collective Agreement. The procedure was initiated according to the Proposal of the "Kragujevac" PHS Trade Union Organization and Serbian Association of Trade Unions for the initiation of procedure for peaceful settlement of the collective labor dispute. The employer, "Kragujevac" PHC, agreed to settle the dispute peacefully before the Agency. Katarina Nikolić was the appointed conciliator. A conciliation committee was set up in accordance with the law, including representatives of the parties in dispute and the appointed conciliator. After three discussions, the common recommendation was agreed on recommending the way to settle the disputed issue.

The employer and employees of the "Kragujevac" PHC in Kragujevac complied with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and in the process of peaceful settlement of the dispute gave an example of readiness for the social dialogue, aiming to find sustainable solutions for all controversial issues in line with the law.