15. July 2024.
In two recently concluded cases before the Agency, which were conducted regarding workplace mobbing at the University Clinical Center Kragujevac in Kragujevac and Planeta Sport d.o.o. in Belgrade, the parties involved reached a settlement and arbitration resolution.
The employer and employees at the University Clinical Center Kragujevac jointly submitted a proposal for peaceful resolution of a labor dispute to the Agency concerning mobbing. The parties in the dispute agreed on the selection of an arbitrator, and Miljko Valjarević was appointed.
After the hearing, both the employees and the employer demonstrated a high level of responsibility to resolve all contentious issues, leading to an agreement on all disputed points. The parties agreed not to belittle, undermine, intimidate, damage the professional reputation, health, safety, or dignity of the disputing parties or any employees of the employer in any way. All contentious issues were resolved through constructive dialogue and a desire to create a pleasant working atmosphere without disrupted interpersonal relationships. In the end, the parties reached an agreement that was confirmed by an arbitration resolution.
Additionally, a case involving an employee of Planeta Sport d.o.o. from Belgrade, who believed she was subjected to workplace harassment, was recently concluded before the Agency. She submitted a proposal to the Agency, which was sent to the employer for approval. The employer agreed to resolve the matter peacefully before the Agency, and the parties in the dispute agreed to appoint Dejana Spasojević Ivančić as the arbitrator. Only one hearing was needed to resolve all contentious issues, and the process was concluded with a handshake, in the interest of the greater good and the collective. Based on the agreement reached by the parties, the acting arbitrator issued an arbitration resolution.
These examples are just a few from the Agency's practice, confirming that it is the right place for anyone who believes they are experiencing workplace mobbing and a good alternative to the Law on Prevention of Workplace Harassment or lengthy court proceedings.
With the amendments to the Law on Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes in 2018, the Agency handles these cases by attempting to reconcile the parties and reach a mutually acceptable resolution for behaviors and relationships that someone perceives as harassment, while others may see as conflict, argument, or misunderstanding. In the interest of normalizing workplace relations, creating a positive working environment, avoiding lengthy court disputes, and preventing further disruption of relationships within the company, the Agency resolves these cases through agreements between the parties, which are confirmed by an arbitration resolution that is final and enforceable. It is commendable that an increasing number of employers and employees recognize the advantages of this procedure and place their trust in the Agency over lengthy court proceedings.
15. July 2024.
Through the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, a collective labor dispute at the Health Center Valjevo was resolved by signing a joint recommendation. The collective labor dispute, concerning the right to union organization and activity, was initiated by the Trade Union of Nurses and Technicians of Serbia, and the other party in the dispute, the Health Center Valjevo, agreed to resolve the matter peacefully before the Agency.
The mediator, Dr. Mila Petrović, in accordance with the law, formed a Mediation Board during the first hearing, which included the mediator as the Chairperson of the Board and representatives from all parties involved in the dispute. Following the hearing, the parties in the dispute aligned their positions and reached an agreement on all contentious issues, leading to the signing of a joint recommendation.
The employer and the union demonstrated how social dialogue between employees and employers can lead to the right solution, opting for a peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute in line with the Serbian Government's recommendation to resolve disputes peacefully.
27. June 2024.
The annual meeting of the European Works Council of Erste Group will be held in Belgrade on June 26th and 27th, 2024. Employees from around ten different countries expressed a desire to learn about the work of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes and, through the Erste Bank Union in Serbia, invited the Agency to be a special guest at the event.
Given the long-standing cooperation with these unions, the Agency accepted the invitation, and the Director of the Agency, Dr. Ivica Lazović, spoke about the work and competencies of the Agency. Dragana Andonovska, Senior Advisor at the Agency and Head of the Legal Affairs Group, discussed the practice of peaceful resolution of labor disputes, particularly issues related to overtime work, wage payments and other benefits, termination of employment contracts, as well as mobbing in banks and ways to address these problems.
Erste Group employees were given insights into collective bargaining, practices, experiences, and trends in Europe and worldwide by Prof. Dr. Živko Kulić, one of the most experienced mediators and arbitrators of the Agency. On the second day of the event, participants were introduced to ways of combating mobbing, as well as collective bargaining, by Olga Vučković Kićanović, a mediator and arbitrator of the Agency and an expert in labor law.
All representatives of the Agency answered numerous questions and participated in a dialogue that made the event particularly engaging.
25. June 2024.
On June 25th and 26th, 2024, a seminar titled "The Right to Collective Bargaining and Action" will be held in Belgrade, organized by the European Federation of Public Services Employees (EUROFEDOP) with the support of the European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA) and the EU. On this occasion, one of the speakers on the first day of the event was the Director of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, Dr. Ivica Lazović.
The event was opened by the President of EUROFEDOP, Norbert Schnedl, as well as Jadranko Vehar, President of the National Trade Union of Postal and Telecom Workers of Croatia, and Slađan Bobić, President of the Trade Union of Public Administration of Serbia.
The first day of the event featured two separate thematic sessions, led by Professor Lazar Joveski from the Faculty of Law "Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje. The first session discussed collective bargaining, with the trade union's positions presented by Ivica Cvetković, Acting President of the Judiciary Trade Union of Serbia, while the employers' positions were addressed by Filip Lazović, Deputy Secretary General of the Employers' Union of Montenegro.
In the second thematic session, which focused on disputes and their resolution, the trade union's position was presented by Dragana Đorđević, President of the Independent Trade Union of Culture of Serbia, while Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, spoke on the topic "Improving Social Dialogue through Resolution of Individual and Collective Labor Disputes."
At the end of the first day, a very active discussion was held with participants from over 10 different European countries.
24. June 2024.
Through the conciliation of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes, a collective labor dispute at Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade was resolved amicably regarding the implementation of the collective agreement.
This procedure was initiated following the Proposal for Initiating the Procedure for Peaceful Resolution of a Collective Labor Dispute by the Air Traffic Control Union, and the employer, Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade, agreed to resolve the dispute peacefully before the Agency.
With the consent of the parties in dispute, Prof. Dr. Bojan Urdarević was appointed as the conciliator. In accordance with the law, he formed a Conciliation Committee at the first hearing, which included representatives of the disputing parties and the conciliator. After four hearings, a joint recommendation was established, reaching an agreement on how to resolve the disputed issues. All parties unanimously adopted the proposed Recommendation.
The employer and the union at Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade, in line with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, exemplified readiness for social dialogue and finding compromise solutions through the process of peaceful resolution of the labor dispute in the interest of all employees.
11. June 2024.
A joint recommendation on the resolution of the collective labor dispute was signed at the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," successfully resolving the dispute before the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes.
The process of peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute was initiated by the "Nezavisnost" Union of the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina." The subject of the dispute was a strike regarding several issues related to the implementation of the collective agreement. The employer, the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," consented to resolve the dispute peacefully before the Agency.
Prof. Dr. Senad Jašarević was appointed as the mediator by the Agency's director in accordance with the law. At the first hearing, he formed a Conciliation Committee that included representatives of the disputing parties.
During the negotiations, the parties in dispute demonstrated a high degree of understanding and mutual respect. After three hearings, a joint recommendation was agreed upon, which outlined the resolution of all disputed issues. This recommendation was signed by the representatives of the disputing parties and the acting mediator.
The employer and the union at the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," in accordance with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, exemplified readiness for social dialogue and finding compromise solutions through the process of peaceful resolution of the labor dispute in the interest of all employees.
06. November 2018.
09. July 2018.
09. July 2018.
20. February 2018.