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24. June 2024.

Through the conciliation of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes, a collective labor dispute at Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade was resolved amicably regarding the implementation of the collective agreement.

This procedure was initiated following the Proposal for Initiating the Procedure for Peaceful Resolution of a Collective Labor Dispute by the Air Traffic Control Union, and the employer, Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade, agreed to resolve the dispute peacefully before the Agency.

With the consent of the parties in dispute, Prof. Dr. Bojan Urdarević was appointed as the conciliator. In accordance with the law, he formed a Conciliation Committee at the first hearing, which included representatives of the disputing parties and the conciliator. After four hearings, a joint recommendation was established, reaching an agreement on how to resolve the disputed issues. All parties unanimously adopted the proposed Recommendation.

The employer and the union at Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services (SMATSA) LLC Belgrade, in line with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, exemplified readiness for social dialogue and finding compromise solutions through the process of peaceful resolution of the labor dispute in the interest of all employees.

11. June 2024.

A joint recommendation on the resolution of the collective labor dispute was signed at the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," successfully resolving the dispute before the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes.

The process of peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute was initiated by the "Nezavisnost" Union of the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina." The subject of the dispute was a strike regarding several issues related to the implementation of the collective agreement. The employer, the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," consented to resolve the dispute peacefully before the Agency.

Prof. Dr. Senad Jašarević was appointed as the mediator by the Agency's director in accordance with the law. At the first hearing, he formed a Conciliation Committee that included representatives of the disputing parties.

During the negotiations, the parties in dispute demonstrated a high degree of understanding and mutual respect. After three hearings, a joint recommendation was agreed upon, which outlined the resolution of all disputed issues. This recommendation was signed by the representatives of the disputing parties and the acting mediator.

The employer and the union at the Public Media Institution "Radio-Television of Vojvodina," in accordance with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, exemplified readiness for social dialogue and finding compromise solutions through the process of peaceful resolution of the labor dispute in the interest of all employees.

09. June 2024.

In the process of peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute at the "Dr. Janos Hadji" Health Center in Bačka Topola, which was conducted regarding the implementation of the collective agreement, an agreement was reached between the parties in dispute, and a joint Recommendation was signed. The procedure was initiated by the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists of Serbia, Basic Organization Bačka Topola and Mali Iđoš. The employer, the "Dr. Janos Hadji" Health Center from Bačka Topola, agreed to resolve the dispute peacefully, and the parties in dispute agreed to appoint Olga Marinkov Bajić as the mediator.

In accordance with the law, the acting mediator formed a Conciliation Committee at the first hearing, which included representatives of the parties in the dispute in addition to herself. After two hearings, the parties in dispute brought their positions closer, which led to the signing of a joint Recommendation on the method of resolving the collective labor dispute.

The employer and the Union at the "Dr. Janos Hadji" Health Center in Bačka Topola demonstrated how social dialogue between employees and the employer can lead to a fair solution that is in the interest of all parties.

25. May 2024.

The Director of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, Dr. Ivica Lazović, attended the International Scientific Conference "Dynamics of the Modern Legal Order" co-organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Priština with a temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, the Institute of Comparative Law from Belgrade, and the Institute for Sociological and Criminological Research from Belgrade, held at the Faculty of Law in Kosovska Mitrovica on May 24 and 25, 2024. On this occasion, through a scientific article, he presented the possibilities for protecting employees' rights through the Agency's competencies in the context of current regulations on due diligence in supply chains.

The conference brought together a large number of eminent experts and theorists in the field of law. It was extremely significant to be part of the conference and to present the work and competencies of the Agency to experts from all parts of our country, as well as from abroad.

The Director of the Agency had the honor of chairing the Public Law Sciences session, which featured numerous high-quality papers.

On the second day of the conference, participants visited Prizren, the Church of Our Lady of Ljeviš, the Church of Saint George, the Prizren Theological School, and the Monastery of the Holy Archangels.

This collaboration between the Agency and the Faculty of Law of the University of Priština with a temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica is the result of an Agreement signed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Slobodanka Kovačević Perić, and the Director of the Agency, Dr. Ivica Lazović, on March 15, 2023, which successfully facilitates cooperation in numerous activities, from student internships to joint lectures and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

10. May 2024.

On May 10, 2024, the first Interactive Training for Mediators and Arbitrators of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes was held this year.

The training was opened by the Agency's Director, Dr. Ivica Lazović, who welcomed the attendees and provided an overview of the Agency's work during the previous period, with a special emphasis on the CAF quality label. He highlighted that being the only ones in the Republic of Serbia to have this prestigious European quality mark is a testament to the collective efforts of all employees, as well as mediators and arbitrators, and shows that these efforts have not been in vain.

The training featured discussions on current judicial practices in the field of labor disputes, led by Lidija Đukić, retired judge of the Constitutional Court, Mila Lazić, judge of the Basic Court in Kragujevac, and Predrag Trifunović, retired judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation.

An important topic on the agenda was specific issues of labor-law relations with a special focus on Kosovo and Metohija, presented by Prof. Dr. Slobodanka Kovačević Perić, Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Priština with a temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The final session was dedicated to negotiation skills in conflict situations, presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dragana Ćorić from the Faculty of Law at the University of Novi Sad and the Provincial Ombudsperson.

Following the presentations, a discussion was opened on current labor-law topics and the challenges faced by arbitrators and mediators.

25. April 2024.

The representative of the International Labor Organization and Senior Specialist for Social Dialogue and Labour Law, Mr Lejo Sibbel from the Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest visited the Agency on Thursday, April 25. On that occasion, Mr. Sibbel met with the Director of the Agency, Dr Ivica Lazović.

The meeting was organized in order to discuss the new project "Strengthening social dialogue in the Republic of Serbia" which is being implemented in the Republic of Serbia by the International Labor Organization in partnership with EU Delegation and national social partners, representative trade unions (CATUS, TUC "Nezavisnost"), employers' associations (Serbian Association of Employers), and state representatives - the Ministry of Labour, Social and Economic Council, and the Agency, as an important institution that encourages and develops social dialogue. This project will last for 4 years with the aim of strengthening social dialogue and improving the regulatory and institutional framework for bipartite and tripartite bargaining and functioning.

Mr. Sibbel has also exclusively informed us that the third phase of the "Employment and Social Affairs Platform - ESAP 3" project has been approved, where the regional alternative dispute settlement organizations play a significant role in the said project which also fosters a network of amicable dispute settlement practitioners.

Another project that is currently ongoing is the "Initiative for Global Solidarity" implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ) in cooperation with the ILO and social partners, which has supported significant institutional capacity building of the Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, but also promotes these mechanisms in companies subject to German regulations on due diligence in supply chains.

The Director of the Agency, Dr Ivica Lazović, emphasized the importance of cooperation of all social partners in the Republic of Serbia with the ILO, and especially the Republic Agency for Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes, for the purposes of social dialogue strengthening, peaceful resolution of labour disputes and improvement of common practices and experiences.

During the cordial and friendly conversation, the interlocutors shared experiences and numerous examples of good cooperation in practice, which has especially gained intensity in the last few years. It was pointed out that this cooperation will be even more intense in the coming period through all the mentioned projects.

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