
Notification to the citizens about the actions of the Agency during the state of emergency in order to suppress the spread of the infection

18. 03. 2020.

Citizens are informed that during the state of emergency declared by the Decision on declaring a state of emergency ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 29/2020) from 15.3.2020 it is necessary that in the proceedings before this Agency we all respect the general instructions and recommendations of the authorities responsible for monitoring the situation and directing and coordinating activities in an emergency situation due to the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19.

For the purpose of prevention, all activities in conciliation and arbitration proceedings should be organized in accordance with the epidemiological situation, and measures should be considered and taken at every opportunity to reduce any risk of transmission of the infection.

In the work of the Agency, communication by telephone, internet, conference calls, etc. is preferred, and in case of holding the necessary meetings, there are no handshakes and cordial greetings; meetings are organized with a maximum of four people lasting up to a maximum of 20 minutes; the physical distance between the participants must be at least one meter; before and after the meeting, the premises are ventilated and disinfected; hand disinfectants, masks and other appropriate and recommended means are used.

The on-call service of the Agency during the state of emergency will be 064 / 8900-079 as well as the e-mail address

In accordance with the development of the epidemiological situation in the Republic of Serbia, this notification will also be corrected.