
Workshop held in Sombor

25. 10. 2018.

On October 25th, the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes held in Sombor the first in a series of workshops dedicated to strengthening of visibility and accessibility of the institution of peaceful settlement of labor disputes.

Deputy Director of the Agency Ivica Lazović held the presentation of the Agency and the institution of conciliation and arbitration, while the simulation of the proceedings were presented to the present representatives of the trade unions and employers by Agency’s arbitrators Ružica Erceg and Danijela Koštan Kovačević. The audience had the opportunity to get acquainted with the advantages of using this institution and the practice of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes.

The workshop is part of the project “Social partners united in increasing the visibility of the institution of peaceful settlement of labor disputes”, implemented by the AoC Initiative for Development and Cooperation with the financial support of Solidar Suisse - Office in Serbia, and in partnership with the Trade Union of UGS Nezavisnost (United Branch Union “Independence”), the Association of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia, Association of Employers of Serbia with the support of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes.

In addition to Sombor, it was planned to organize workshops in Pirot, Subotica and Leskovac.

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